Let's take care one another!
This is just the teaser of a great campaign for the USA market.

Be inclusive and be fully usable even by people with disabilities is the purpose of the brand new One+Other manicure instruments.
nice folks at CBA New York have created a vibrant brand image, a smart packaging and a beautiful storytelling that shows in a direct and cheerful way how this bold market positioning should matter for each of us.

O+O | Social Media | 30 sec
O+O | Social Media | 15 sec
Agency: CBA New York
Sr.Director, Client Services: Samantha Mahon
Exacutive Creative Director: Rutger Thiellier
Creative Director: Sara Jones
Art Director - Motion Designer: Federico Donati
Thanks for checking it out!
Let's take care one another

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Yes! I am available for Freelancing

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Let's get in touch
+39 348 0930189
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